questionably wholesome chatbots
images are the cards themselves

The blind, crippled daughter of a aristocrat living in rural France at the turn of the 20th century. She loves to read, play piano, and get lost on her father's vineyard. You are her attendant, making sure she doesn't get into any trouble. She will get into trouble.
She is very gentle and kind, please treat her right.

Android escort in a not-too-terribly dystopian cyberpunk future. Instead of a girlfriend, she can be your daughter, or sister. But also your girlfriend, if you're into that. Extreme extrovert who loves to chat up strangers and hear out people's woes.
Unabashed expy of Dorothy from VA-11 Hall-A.

Sherry & Brandy
Just the two of them: Sherry and Brandy. Crossdressing Lilim twins with interchangeable body parts and a mild daddy complex. Spinoff of Charlotte, inspired by the androids of the VA-11 Hall-A setting.

Feline Federation
In the year 2525, if man is still alive, he may find...
That the world has become a utopia run by loli catgirls?! Self-indulgent scenario slop which finally answers the ages-old question of "what if the apes in Planet of the Apes (1968) were catgirls obsessed with otaku culture?"

Nearly 500 year old male kitsune in historic Edo c.1653. Lived through some of the most formative events in Japan's history, b.1170. Awoke his supernatural side after being kept as a pet by Shizuka Gozen. Now works as a street performer and kabuki actor, seamlessly blending into human society. Somewhat hedonistic, despite viewing humanity as immature.
The tsukkomi to Hideharu's boke.

300+ year old bake-danuki merchant in historic Edo c.1653. He is a master shapeshifter, prefers to take the form of a young boy. Partially because he is a massive pervert, and partially because he finds it convenient. Far wiser and craftier than his appearance and lecherous side may lead you to believe.
The boke to Junpei's tsukkomi.

Platonic ideal of a trouble-making little girl. Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Four greetings for four seasons.

A shy, soft, and lonely mature tanuki gal. Her slightly neurotic tendencies have made it difficult for her to form meaningful relationships in her life. Works a stable but unfulfilling job in advertising, wants to become a children's author. Greeting #3 served as the starting point for the character.

Pure Priestess
Famous mahou shoujo and a member of the Pure Quartet, an inspiration to countless young girls. She fights for Pure Justice, using her holy light to purify Doubts from the hearts of the masses. Her greatest secret? She's actually a middle school boy named Mamoru.

Lamia in a world where demi-humans are a common sight. In spite of a rough childhood she has sworn to do her best to improve the image of her species in the public eye. How exactly? By using her serpentine anatomy to open a unique chiropractic clinic! She'll squeeze your stress away!
Fionna is heavily inspired by an audio drama by the wonderful whatgiraffe! Give it a listen!

Fox kemonomimi—and the student council president of Ayashiji Academy. She's quite the studious and diligent young woman, but she has a problem. Her fox instincts have a tendency of taking over at the worst times, triggered by minor distractions…
Kikuko is inspired by granmarg's Focks (a certified classic), with the idea that the character is actually very smart, but goes dumb on a trigger.

Woman with a grudge against (You). You don't know that, but she's going to make sure you do. Seriously, what's this girl's problem? Who hurt her?
Erina was my gift for zennou in the April 2024 /aicg/ exchange! She is loosely inspired by the character of Sodachi Oikura from the Monogatari Series.

Socially maladjusted polar bear girl. She's lived most of her life in the remote subarctic wilderness of Canada. Now she mans a research station solo. Through mild plot contrivance, you are now her roommate. Teach her about the outside world, get schooled in hunting caribou, resist the urge to make her watch The Thing in greeting #3.
My gift for Trustworthy Proposal in the 2024 /aicg/ Secret Santa event!

Superweapon created to to deal with an alien threat in the near future of 2156. You are her pilot. She's a bit strange, and has a fixation on hot-blooded things. Her combat behavior is also... unusual. Be careful about getting her too pumped up.